The Importance of Myth and Oral Traditions

Context, as we know, is Queen, much like the GPS is God. When you chose to ignore context, you can make up anything you want and probably find something out there to support it. That doesn't make it true or correct, and the refusal to see that is just insulting at best. I've lost count of how many times I've seen or read some fringe theorists spouting off about how they know more about what a Native tradition "really meant" than the living decedents of that tradition. What's more is by trying to force traditions that aren't yours to fit your favorite story, you're missing out on actual information that is being conveyed via these rich and varied traditions.

What is Convergence in Archaeology?

  The concept of convergence isn't a new one to the multiple fields of science. In it's most basic definition it describes the tendency of unrelated species to evolve superficially similar characteristics to deal with similar environmental issues. One of the best examples of this are wings. Bats have wings, as do birds, some lizards, and even some squirrels, not to count all flying insects in the world. These different types of wings are all... Continue Reading →

What is Archaeoastronomy?

This is a topic that's been bothering me since I started watching America Unearthed. Though to be fair, it's not the first time I've seen the term misused, it's just the point that drove the issue home for me. What I want to do here is give people a working idea of what the concept of Archaeoastronomy is.... Continue Reading →

Cult Science

This is another term I assume people know and understand. I'm not talking about the study of Cults and how they work, I'm talking about those that mimic the process of science. Very much like a Cargo Cult, Cult Science goes through all the motions without knowing what they all mean. Things like the Discovery Institute, with... Continue Reading →

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