Canadian Pseudoarchaeology with Steph Halmhofer: Archaeological Fantasies EP 96

Today we're talking with Steph Halmhofer about her recent survey on Canadian Fears, modeled after the Chapman Survey of American Fears. She's looking at Canadian pseudoarchaeological beliefs, among other topics, and she's come on the show to share some preliminary results from her survey. If you're a Canadian resident and you want to take the survey, please use the link in... Continue Reading →

What is Archaeoastronomy?

This is a topic that's been bothering me since I started watching America Unearthed. Though to be fair, it's not the first time I've seen the term misused, it's just the point that drove the issue home for me. What I want to do here is give people a working idea of what the concept of Archaeoastronomy is.... Continue Reading →

The Archaeology Fantasies Podcast is Two Months Old! Get Caught-Up Now!

In January we launched the Archaeology Fantasies Podcast over at the Archaeology Podcast Network. It's Co-hosted by Sara H. and Dr. Kenneth Feder, who is the author of Dubious Archaeology and Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries, and they deconstruct a variety of pseudoarchaeology topics. It's been two months now and the show just continues to get better, if I may say so myself. Seeing that we've got several episodes in the can, I wanted to recap them and let all of you get a chance to get caught up.

Debunking Pseudo-Archaeology – Episode 1

Join Sara and Ken as they introduce the Archaeological Fantasies podcast. This show will release every other week on Mondays. Please, subscribe, like, and comment below. Links The Archaeology Fantasies Blog Dr. Kenneth Feder  Ken`s books Encyclopedia of Dubious Archaeology  Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries  Archaeology Fantasies Contact If you'd like to support the Podcast, condenser... Continue Reading →

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